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Proposed Law Could End Smoking in Pennsylvania Casinos


Gaming laws continue to advance in the Keystone State. Given the size of that gambling market, it is not surprising to see how new regulations are being introduced to make everything much more sustainable.

One of the most recent developments is a proposal that will affect the state’s land-based gambling venues. This comes as part of a plan by two Democratic state lawmakers to introduce legislation that could bring an end to smoking in both casinos and other workplaces in the Keystone State.

As it stands, smoking is legal in Pennsylvanian casinos. This was, however, outlawed for some time over the past couple of years as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the restrictions put in place to mitigate against the pandemic got lifted, so did the rule that kept people from smoking in those venues.

Closing the Loopholes

Smoking in casinos is largely facilitated by what Sen. Jay Costa and Rep. Dan Frankel, both of Allegheny County call a loophole. Smoking in many social and public spaces is generally not allowed but casinos and private clubs have been benefiting from some exemptions. The lawmakers are of the opinion that these exemptions are not supposed to exist and should be done away with as soon as possible.

Speaking on this, Rep. Dan Frankel pointed out that simply asking the private business owners to prevent smoking at their venues would not work. Private businesses have been unwilling to do the right thing, even when it’s the financially smart thing to do. As such, he believes that it is time for political leaders to step in and insist on the protection of the health of constituents.

Casino employees, for instance, have to deal with exposure when serving smoking customers and this could pose a health risk. That is one way of looking at this and it clearly illustrates the gravity of the matter. These people should not have to choose between their jobs and their health.

“It is a controversial issue. A lot of people, a lot of our patrons do smoke and like to smoke. A lot of patrons don’t like it. It’s a national issue and a local issue, it’s happening all over the country.”

While some casinos have already put in the work to prevent smoking within their premises, others have been quite reluctant. Most are not taking a stand for or against the proposed laws. Hopefully, this implies that they will be open to complying in case the laws get passed to prevent smoking at their premises.

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